Looking for free but high quality solar eclipse math and science activities? Here are the best I have found from all over the Internet. For Elementary How Big Is the Sun? The Sun is the largest object in our solar ...

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Math in music and art is a fun and engaging topic for math enrichment, whether through a math club, a math camp, or just to incorporate into your regular instruction. One of my favorite teaching moments with a group of ...

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One of my favorite math camp, math club, or enrichment topics for kids is exploring infinity, fractals, and tessellations. These topics aren’t part of the typical elementary and middle school math curriculum, but they build a deeper understanding of the ...

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Tessellation artist Makoto Nakamura has made several versions of these perpetual puzzles that are great for an independent student activity. They would be perfect for early finishers in a classroom, for a warm up to a small group or individual tutoring ...

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If you are looking for a way for students to understand the importance of number sequences and patterning in the real world, the Fibonacci sequence is a natural way to accomplish this. While gifted and talented students can dive into ...

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