Numberblocks is a BBC show currently available on Netflix. (Many of the 5 minute episodes also are on YouTube.) This show is a fantastic resource for teaching number sense in a very fun and creative way.
I had heard about this show before but always thought it was just for preschoolers. And while it would be perfect for preschool and kindergarten students, it is engaging even to me as an adult. It could definitely be used with older students who need more number sense. Many elementary teachers up to 4th grade told me that it is something that they play during snack breaks. I tried using it as intervention with a 3rd grader who was struggling with understanding place value and addition facts. I found to my surprise that, not only did he love it, but it helped him more than I could have imagined. He now knows the addition facts that equal 10 just from rewatching the song “Ten Again” on the below video.
What’s even better, the video actually shows the visual quantities combining, making it unique from others that teach facts. Each number is a unique character with a unique voice, awesome for auditory learners as well. Also when the numbers combine they are shown in different ways. For example, the 2 will join with another 2 to make 4. This is shown not only as a vertical block but as a square. Later 4, 9, and 16 will join together to make a square club. The episodes introduce square numbers, multiplication and other more advanced topics in a very natural way that young kids easily pick up on.
As the CBeebies website says, “each episode has been carefully crafted with the help of the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and brought to life by Blue Zoo Animation Studio.
We work closely with the NCETM to make sure Numberblocks delivers the essential numeracy skills that build good number sense and a solid foundation for a lifetime of maths success.”
Numberblocks Manipulatives
Hand2Mind sells several Numberblocks manipulative sets. You can find these on Amazon.
Numberblocks Math Link Cubes #1-10

I personally have this set and the kids LOVE it. Here is a video of one of my kindergarteners.
Math Link Cubes #11-20

Numberblob Counting Set

Stamp Activity Set

Learningblocks Website
The BBC offers a website where you can find many resources to complement the show,. These include printables, activity ideas, videos on making number blocks with play dough, and a store where you can buy activity books, blocks, stickers, t-shirts and more.

Twinkl also has free printables including cut outs, stick puppet templates, posters, number cards and worksheets.
I have also found many Numberblock resources available on Etsy. Before Hand2Mind started selling the manipulative sets I listed above, I went to Etsy to purchase stickers to make my student’s unifix cubes into Numberblock characters. I also got Numberblock magnets and decals from Etsy.