What are number strings and how can they be used in your math instruction?
Number strings are a series of related math problems strategically designed to help students construct strategies. They work together with math talks. While the goal of number strings is for students to construct strategies to solve problems, the goal of math talks is to compare and connect these strategies.
In addition to constructing strategies, number strings have other benefits. Students are developing reasoning skills, using mental math, and explaining their thinking verbally.

How do they work?

Number strings are designed to be a daily 10-20 minute routine. The teacher will present a math problem. The teacher specifically chooses the problem to lead to other related problems. Students mentally solve the problem. They will have a pre established signal to let the teacher know when they have an answer. For example Sherry Parrish suggests the students start with one fist to their chest. They make a “thumbs-up” on their chest to show that they have found an answer. They then use the remaining time to try to think of another way/strategy which they then indicate by putting up a thumb and a finger, and so on.The teacher will provide enough wait time until most students have an answer. Students will then will share their thinking with the class and teacher will record their answers and strategies, using visuals. The teacher will model what it sounds like to explain your thinking.
What are some examples?

Addition and Subtraction Number String First Grade
If you want to learn more:
I got many of the ideas in this post from Brittany Goerig of Hand2Mind, who I heard speak at CAMT 2022. Goerig is the co author of Daily Math Fluency and Math Fluency Intervention. She has free recorded webinars available on using number strings and math talks as a routine in your math class.
Number Strings and Math Talks Routine for Grades K-2 with Brittany Goerig
Number Strings and Math Talks Routine for Grades 3-5
If you would like to have everything you need already made for you, you can buy daily math fluency kits, centers, and intervention kits directly from Hand2Mind. The daily kits are specific to grade levels K-8 and include 60 Math Talks and 120 Number Strings.
Hand2Mind is of course not the only source, though. Here is another website (an online community for number string design.) It has a lot of great resources and a database searchable by topic. Sherry Parrish has a great article here called “Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning.”

Hello Learning (source for the image above) has ready to go number strings for upper elementary and middle school (20 days worth free and others available for purchase.)
Have you tried number strings in your classroom? Please comment below!