Different Types of Dominoes for Math


March 3, 2023

According to domino.com, there are 13 distinct types of dominoes! I use several of these for math instruction. We play games, do hands on activities, read a great book, and even learn about amazing domino art. Also included in this post are resources for free printable and virtual dominoes of various kinds.


Bendominoes image from Amazon

Bendominoes are made by Blue Orange Games. They have won several awards including Oppenheim Platinum Seal, Dr. Toy 10 Best Games, and Creative Child Seal of Excellence.

The pieces are curved, so to place them you have to not only match the number of dots, but the connecting dominoes have to spatially fit together. It is a strategy game when played according to the official rules. As a subitizing, number matching, and spatial reasoning activity for younger children, I just have them connect dominoes to make the longest path they can.

Homeschooling parents might enjoy this article from The Pioneer Woman, “Bendomino, As It Loosely Relates to Homeschooling.”


Image from Amazon

Triominos are 55 equilateral triangles with numbers from 0-5 at each vertex. Each triangle has 3 numbers at the points, so to place a piece next to it, it must match two numbers on the side. Each triomino has a unique combination of numbers. When you connect the triominos all touching sides must have the same number. Find the full rules for the game here.

You can of course just use the pieces to practice math skills. Here is a free recording sheet to have kindergarteners or first graders add the three numbers on each triangle. Here is a free printable equivalent fractions Triomino game for 4th/5th grade.


There used to be a square version called Quad-Ominos but it is not made anymore. You can still find sets on eBay.

Quadominos image from eBay

Here you can find a printable Triomino game as well as a version using higher numbers. These are shaped differently as three pieces combine to make each triangle.

This free printable Triomino variation puts multiplication equations or products on each triangle.

Traditional Dominoes

Image from National Museum of Mathematics

While standard dominoes are double sixes, you can also get double nines, twelves, fifteens, or even eighteens.

There are so many math games you can play with these. Here are a few good sources.

Math Games Using Dominoes. The Teacher Next Door has some creative ideas for using dominoes and all of her games, while designed for upper elementary school, can be differentiated for different grade levels. Topics include: prime/composite numbers, odd/even numbers, comparing numbers, fractions, rounding, addition, and multiplication.

6 Simple Domino Games to Teach Math Skills- games for preschool/kindergarten to play with a teacher or parent

10 Great Domino Games For Children- ideas for both preschool and elementary.

Other Dominoes

Fraction Dominoes- match fraction circles or squares to numerical values

Fraction and Decimal Dominoes

Algebraic Expressions and Equations Dominoes

Additional content is only available to members. Includes: virtual dominoes, printable dominoes, edible dominoes, video. Please sign in if you are a member or consider joining if you are not yet a member.

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