Looking for a great independent activity for gifted and talented students, early finishers, or kids who need to practice spatial reasoning activities? Q-Bitz visual spatial puzzles are a great choice with varying levels of difficulty to meet the needs of any child. They are great for a quick activity as each doesn’t take long to complete. However, I have also seen children fully engaged for a very long time solving multiple cards.
The Q-Bitz visual spatial puzzle set comes with 4 wooden puzzles, each with 16 patterned cubes. The cubes for each of the puzzles have the same design and only vary in color. It also has 80 puzzle cards which students can use with any of the puzzles.
Q Bitz puzzles are an excellent way to develop visual patterning and spatial reasoning skills. Students can play them as a game with up to 4 players or complete independently.
To play you turn your patterned cubes to create a design matching the picture on the puzzle cards. There is quite a range of complexity of the cards. My only complaint about this game is that the cards are not marked according to difficulty, so you have to look through the cards to choose an appropriate level for the child.
Many children who struggle with traditional math are quite good with these puzzles and really enjoy doing them. Children who struggle with spatial reasoning find these helpful practice. However, because of the difficult cards included, these have also been a huge hit at every gifted/talented association event I have ever taken them to, even with the parents. They are an excellent warm up for tutoring or class sessions as they are fun but really get you thinking at the same time. They are also an excellent quiet independent activity for early finishers in a classroom setting.
The puzzles are also great for teaching concepts of symmetry and positive/negative space.
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