Proof is a simple and effective card game for developing mathematical thinking. It builds mental math skills, number sense, and fluency. You can use it to practice multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and square roots. It can easily be very appropriate to challenge the thinking of gifted and talented students. However, it is also easily adaptable to younger children or lower skill levels.
The game consists of 100 numbered cards. When I first played I realized that you could easily make your own version of this game by numbering your own index cards. However, the purchased version does have quality colored cards with carefully selected numbers. There are more of the easier-to-use lower numbers and less of difficult-to-use larger numbers They also left out many prime numbers.
To play, you simply deal out 9 cards and players race to mentally create a true equation using the cards in play. The player to call out an equation collects the cards used in his or her equation. New cards are then placed down, and play continues. A reviewer on Amazon mentions that her students call it “math yoga.”

You can play with 2-6 players. Game play takes about 15 minutes depending on the skill level of the players and how quickly they can find equations!