Zeus on the Loose is another Gamewright game, my go to brand for card games that are both fun (to the point that the kids always want to play them) and educational.

In this game, each player in turn plays a card on a pile called “Mount Olympus”. She/he then adds the number on the card to the total from the other cards played. When the total is a multiple of ten, the player steals the little Zeus figurine. Each round of play ends when the total reaches 100. Whoever has Zeus wins the round and gets a letter from the word ZEUS. Whoever spells ZEUS first wins the game. To keep it interesting, the game also includes special cards with pictures of the other gods and goddesses. These ask players to do things such as “round Mount Olympus to the nearest multiple of 10 and steal Zeus” or “Subtract 10 from Mount Olympus and steal Zeus.” It is a fast paced game requiring some strategy, some luck, and a lot of mental math practice.

I have played Zeus on the Loose with 2nd-8th graders and they have all enjoyed it.
For more games please see my complete list of Math Board and Card Games