Hands On Easter Math


March 19, 2025
colorful boiled Easter eggs

No matter what age or grade you teach there are meaningful and engaging hands on ways to incorporate Easter fun into your math instruction!

Jellybean Math

Use jellybeans to sort and graph, make patterns or explore beginning probability.

Geometric Shapes

Make 2D and 3D shapes from gumdrops and toothpicks (we’ve tried jellybeans but they’re much harder.)

Image from Science Buddies

For young students (1st/2nd grade) Becky’s Room on TPT has a free project using toothpicks and jellybeans for a STEM challenge to create a nest for Peeps.

Use small paper geometric shapes to decorate a large paper egg in this Cool Math For Kids activity.

Measurement and Graphing

Bunny hop measurement and graphing- Hop like rabbits and measure your hop in centimeters or inches. Graph the results! You could also use plastic “jumping bunnies” or frogs as described in this post from Inspiration Laboratories

Coordinate Plane Graphing Puzzles

Math Aids has several Easter themed coordinate graphing character puzzles. Plot the ordered pairs to make an Easter basket, egg, or bunny.

Online Easter Math

Easter Egg Designer

Ideas for Plastic Eggs

Have an egg hunt where the eggs contain a math problem on a slip of paper. Students trade completed problems for candy or small prizes.

Write terms/pictures to match on two halves of plastic eggs. Maybe a geometric term and a picture, equivalent fractions, digital and analog time, a fact and its answer- whatever you want to practice.

You can do the same idea with halves of paper eggs to match.

Preschoolers can practice number recognition and correspondence to quantity by writing an amount on the plastic egg and have kids fill with the right amount of coins or other small manipulatives.

Preschoolers can also play the Find the Chick Number Recognition Game.

Easter STEM

Simple STEM- build the tallest tower possible using plastic eggs and play dough. Here are free printables from Science School Yard to use with this activity.

STEM project- create an egg launcher/catapult! Then measure and graph how far your egg travels.This post from Little Bins for Little Hands has 10 options from a simple plastic spoon catapult to a large one made from PVC pipe!

Image from Little Bins For Little Hands

One of my students’ all time favorite STEM projects was creating popsicle stick rafts for Peeps to float in without sinking or getting wet! If you want the full 38 page engineering challenge pack (includes 4 other challenges using Peeps) you can find it from Smart Chick on TPT for $7.00. Here’s one similar activity description written for homeschoolers from Schooling a Monkey.

Image from Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

Explore Symmetry

Explore the symmetry in nature and decorate a paper Easter egg, butterfly, or flower symmetrically. Here are some differentiated patterns for coloring or drawing in the missing half. Here are blank egg drawings to draw your own symmetrical designs.

For a more involved artistic project, make cut and paste mosaic eggs.

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